School of Baalijin
(Bellingen Community Preschool).

Upon arrival at this amazing school we are greeted with smiles from staff and the children into the playground, there is imaginary play corrected by the children who connect for a yarn to tell of their stories in creation time.

Stories come from the Bindarray (river) class flowing down the riverbank on its way to the Gaagal (ocean) class, together entwining a magical experience witnessed by the educators and children.

Each morning and afternoon parents hand over the future of this community sharing of time spent before and after school.

Time spent with these children is like an adventure walking the banks of the river or the sands of the beach engaged in play and lunch time where children are guided by mannered responsibility to put their lunch boxes away before play.

Giinagay to the School of Baalijin from Bernard Kelly Ewards (BKE).

School Of Baalijin by BKE